APA 7th Edition is the most commonly used referencing style here at the University of Portsmouth. Below you will find general guidance on how to reference and cite using APA 7th Edition, as well as examples for the specific sources you are likely to use in your assignments. 

Your department or lecturer may prefer you to reference sources differently from the guidance given here. Always follow the requirements of your department or lecturer. 

External visitors are welcome to use this guide, but note that your institution's requirements may differ from those suggested here.

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Within your text

Refer to the figure by the figure number and tell your reader what to look out for, e.g. “The sketch shown in Figure 2, suggests that...”

Position of figures

Place the figure after a full paragraph. APA suggests they are aligned with the left margin, and that a double spaced blank line is placed above them unless they are at the top of a page.

Above the figure

Figure number in bold type with sequential numbering

If you are not already using double line spacing for your whole essay, add a double line space here.

Title of Figure in italics (if there is no title, succinctly describe the image)

Then add the figure

Below the figure

Note. in italics followed by a full stop. Then standard typeface, include details of the source. Add the word “From” followed by the in-text citation - author, date, page number, if available. You can also include additional information about the contents, for example, definitions of abbreviations or copyright information.

The full reference for the figure is then included in your Reference List along with all other sources you have cited in the text of your assignment.

Your figure should look like this:


Figure 2


David Sherren with globe and map in the Map Library

figure image

Note. From University of Portsmouth Library, 2020.


The full reference for this figure, which you include in your Reference List, would be:

University of Portsmouth Library. (2020, October 27). Map library resources. https://library.port.ac.uk/maps.html