Postgraduate study suite

If you are a postgraduate student, the Library has a number of study rooms especially for you. Situated towards the rear of the Library building on the ground floor, the Postgraduate Study Suite has both group and silent study areas. 

You will need to scan your student card to gain access.  Only postgraduates may use the Postgraduate Study rooms: please do not let into the rooms anyone who you do not know to be a fellow postgraduate.

If you have any difficulty accessing these study rooms, please contact Campus Security: Advise them that you are a Postgraduate student and that you wish to access the Postgraduate Study Rooms in the Library.  Please remember that the response to your request may not be immediate: you may wish to study in one of the silent study zones while you wait for your details to be updated.

The Postgraduate Study Rooms are open when the Library building is open.

The Postgraduate Study Suite has moved

The Postgraduate Study Suite has moved and is now temporarily housed in the Library Meeting Room, UL 0.12.  We have ambitious plans to refurbish and re-home it in a larger space connected with the planned new student hub. 

This office move marks the beginning of a series of ambitious project works necessary to develop the library study space.  We continue to expect the unexpected, so please bear with us! We keep you fully informed as everything develops here, on the Library blog and across our social media channels.  


Postgraduate study suite

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