Do you have a problem with your login?

If you are having trouble logging into an e-book or e-journal, first check to see if it is a known problem. The required service may be down for maintenance or unable to support your client software (eg. a particular web browser).

Next, if the service requires you to use your University login, check that you are entering the correct username and password. You can do this by trying to login to Moodle. If you are successful, then the problem does not lie with your University login details.

If you cannot login to these services, then you have forgotten or mis-typed your username and/or password.

See the MyPort article for students or for staff, or contact Information Services on +44 (0)23 9284 7777 (or use the Contact IT Support page) to receive a new password or have your account re-set.

New Students

When you receive your login details, for security reasons you need to change your password. You can do this online.

If you don't change your password, and start to login to resources, you may be locked out of your account.