Useful map related links

Listed below are links to other map-related sites that you may find useful. Please contact the Map Librarian if you find an interesting site that could be included here. 

British Geological Survey Maps Portal
This excellent resource provides free access to view high resolution digital facsimiles of almost all small and medium scale maps produced by the British Geological Survey since mapping started in 1832. This is a great place to start exploring the geology of Great Britain and, when you've found a map that covers your area of interest, remember that most are available as paper copies from our Map Library (many on 4-day loan).

British Geological Survey borehole records
Free, direct, online access to the National Geoscience Data Centre’s (NGDC) collection of over a million onshore scanned boreholes, shafts and well records.

Charles Close Society Sheetfinder
Type a British or Irish address, postcode, or placename to display a list of Ordnance Survey One-Inch, 1:50,000 and six-inch County series map sheets for that location. The list often includes a direct link to that map so it can be viewed.

EDINA Services
National online services for the UK tertiary education and research community, including Digimap and UKBORDERS

Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside. A web-based interactive map that brings together geographic information on key environmental schemes and designations. Also regional and national static maps.

National Library of Scotland Map Images
A brilliant resource that provides free access to high quality map scans, including a comprehensive collection of Ordnance Survey maps of England, Wales and Scotland.

Old Hampshire Mapped
This interesting site presents early maps of Hampshire from 1575 to the mid-nineteenth century. High resolution map images include those by Saxton, Speed, Ogilby and Greenwood.

Old Sussex Mapped
This site provides access to a range of historical maps of Sussex from 1610-1837. It includes a bibliography of sources used and a comparative list of names used on the featured maps.

PhoneBooth is a project run by the LSE recreates Charles Booth’s socio-economic maps of London as an interactive digital website and smartphone app. The app enables users to plot their locations on Booth’s maps and retrieve his historic observations.

Portsmouth WWII Bomb Raids
Portsmouth City Council's interactive map of Portsmouth that shows where high explosive bombs fell during the Blitz.

SABRE (The Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts)
This society provides access to a variety of historic maps, including mid-20th century OS One Inch maps and 1920s Bartholomew maps.

A free viewer that provides a summary description of the soils at specified locations across England and Wales.