English Language

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Use this site to find Government information from departments, publications or statistics.
H.M. Treasury is particularly useful for publications and statistics.

The official website of the UK government, making it the best place to find government services and information.

Oxfam's Inclusive Language Guide is a resource to support people to think about how the way they write can subvert or inadvertently reinforce intersecting forms of inequality. The language recommended is drawn from specialist organizations which provide advice on language preferred by marginalized people, groups and communities, and by Oxfam's staff and networks, to support us to make choices that respectfully reflect the way different groups wish to be referred to.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

A good resource for English Language teachers compiled by the British Council and BBC World Service


Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian

email Anne.Worden@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3243

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian

email sharon.bittner@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3234