Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14419


Eslamieh, Sam (2024) Industry 4.0 tools and skills development in Philipine high school education. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth

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The 4th industrial revolution has introduced new technologies, and Industry 4.0 is among the emerging technologies that include automation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (loT), and data analytics. While these technologies are commonly found in the industrial and corporate sector, they have not been fully integrated into educational pedagogy. The purpose of this study was to research and analyse the challenges associated with incorporating Industry 4.0 technology into the Philippine education system, and to explore effective strategies for utilising this technology to maximise its beneficial aspects. Secondary research was used to gather, study and analyse resources on the current state of education in the target country which covered policies, programs, demographics, and challenges. Meanwhile primary research using an online survey was utilised to capture educator experiences and opinions on Industry 4.0 technology, their awareness of terminology, current policies at their workplace and overall sentiment of technology in education. Furthermore, the survey was a means to offer suggestions on the application of Industry 4.0 technology that shed light on the variety of ways that it can be used and elicited interesting reactions and ideas on practical use. Advanced data analysis techniques were used to gain a better understanding of the situation and to offer a fresh perspective on the subject. The findings show that educators support and welcome the use of technology in education as it has the potential of reaching more students from diverse backgrounds and encourages inclusivity. Certain subjects appear more adaptable than others, correlating years of experience with the ability to embrace technology, and how a holistic approach should be used to encourage educators to adopt progressive teaching methods. The private and international schools appear self-sufficient and less resistant to change, however, despite the good intentions of government policies and their array of initiatives, public schools continue to suffer from decentralised decision making and offering band-aid solutions without addressing root causes of issues affecting schools.

Course: Computer Animation - BSc (Hons) - C1555

Date Deposited: 2024-05-15

URI/permalink: https://www.library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14419.html
