Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 14273

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Madi, Ahmad (2023) Reconstruction of trust and confidence post-conflict between Parties ongoing construction projects in developing countries. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The construction industry is a complex environment involving multiple stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, each with their own objectives. As the industry becomes more diverse, disputes between contractual parties become more likely to arise. These disputes can arise for various reasons, including poor communication, ambiguous contract terms and delayed material supply. Disputes can lead to significant financial losses and protracted litigation. Trust is a crucial element in construction projects, influencing the success of the projects.
This research aims to investigate the factors influencing trust and confidence between construction project parties and the post-conflict resolution methods in the construction industry. Through a comprehensive literature review and primary data research. Primary data is gathered through an online survey using Google Forms, targeting construction industry experts related to engineering, surveying, trade contracting, and project management.
The study contributes to the understanding of trust and confidence restoration in the construction sector. It identifies influential variables and conflict causes, as well as effective dispute resolution methods. The research emphasizes the importance of communication, information sharing, and clear contract conditions to build trust and confidence between parties. Adjudication and negotiation emerge as the most effective conflict resolution. The study also highlights the importance of new technologies, like blockchain and building information management, in enhancing trust between parties.

Course: Construction Project Management - MSc - C1659

Date Deposited: 2023-11-07

URI/permalink: https://www.library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis14273.html