We can all help the university become climate positive by 2030 by recycling carefully. Recycling has to be kept clean and dry while leftover food for composting needs to be free of plastics, so sorting your rubbish into the right bins is important. This video explains what goes in which bin. Only clean dry paper and card, cans and bottles can be recycled. Food waste is composted - put it in the dark green bin in the cafe area. Mixed waste and anything contaminated with food goes in a black bin. Recycling has to be kept dry and bin bags are not always leak proof so please pour away any leftover drink into a blue bin before throwing away your cups, cans and bottles. Finally green bins are for your recycling dry paper empty cans and empty plastic bottles only please. These green recycling bins may look like this or this so that's it. Separate bins for food, recyclable bottles, cans and dry paper, liquids and other rubbish. Thank you for sorting your rubbish. Happy recycling