We understand that University study can seem daunting but friendly Library staff are here to help you. You can get instant answers to most questions at any time 24 7 by chatting to a librarian in real time online. For general inquiries you can also phone us 24/7 and you can always email the library and we will respond as quickly as we can. Library staff are here in person to help you find books and explain how things work. You can always sit down with a librarian in the library skills drop-in office for a face-to-face demonstration of how to use Library resources, get help finding information, improve your referencing skills or answer any other academic questions. Pop in and see us anytime between 11am and 3pm Monday to Friday each week. The office is just off the atrium, If you need more help with your referencing then we can offer the library skills drop-in clinic. You can book a referencing skills session. For more in-depth academic inquiries you can also make an appointment with your ubject team for truly expert help finding highly specialist academic information. You can find the contact details for your subject team on your subject page on the Library website so if you need help with anything please ask. We are always here to help